Hundreds of Miles, Couple of Cats & One Marine


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I love Glee!

Seriously, I love Glee! I am sad it is over for the season but I love that they are playing re-runs on Thursdays! My bestie and I decided we were going to have to switch our date nights to Thursday now for the summer.

Today was rain-tastic in WI. I didn't run after work, and I ate 2 cookies, 1/2 a muffin and 4 oreo cookies. So basically I sucked it up with being OP today.

Oatmeal prepared with Skim milk
1 apple
coffee with creamer

1/2 commercially prepared chocolate chip muffin

Taco Bar- I did ok here.
1/2 cup shredded chicken with black beans on lettuce with tomatoes and salsa. Had a small side of refried beans and spanish rice

2 M & M Cookies

Thin whole wheat spagetti with tomato sauce with 3oz chicken breast and 1/3 cup part skim rocacca cheese mixed in
1 bag steamed veggies

Light popcorn and oreos

Ok As I type this there is no way I needed to eat all this food. This is getting just silly now. I didn't get in my GHG, and I feel like crapola.

Hopefully, a terrible WI tomorrow morning this get my ass into gear. I feel bloated and nasty. I WANT TO BE ON PLAN.

To quote a Fellow WWer:
Sometimes being on WW is like getting out of bed on a cold morning. You don't want to do it, but you have to.

I just need to remind myself this.

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